Tuesday 3 November 2009

The answer is 42

To follow up my first post....there is no meaning to life. I have been having interesting discussions with friends recently about what we deserve in life. I was quite shocked that some of them think that they deserve happiness, deserve a man to love them, deserve a chocolate biscuit. As if life is fair. By the same logic I deserve optic neuritis, I deserve MS, and I deserved to watch my dad die in agony. It would be very scary if that were the case. What on earth have I done to deserve that? Or, the other side....what have I done to deserve my happy marriage, my beautiful daughter, my loyal friends?

1 comment:

  1. You are exactly right. There is no meaning to life. Your observation is correct - we deserve nothing. It is one of those throwaway phrases that we bandy around to make ourselves and others feel better - 'oh he/she deserved that'. I hate that expresssion. The original meaning of the word is 'to devote oneself to'. So no, no-one deserves to watch someone die, or deserves to die. I like the use of the word in its original meaning. I deserve to others, I deserve to the world.
