Sunday 13 December 2009


Woke up this morning and had a panic that I had gone totally blind. Not great when you are home alone with a 6 year old. My bad eye is definitely even darker than usual, and I can only assume that it is tiredness. I am losing hope that I will ever get back my sight as it was before.


  1. Tiredness could account for it or a random swelling which will go down however I can understand that this must be terrifying for you. Give Molly a hug from me. Christopher Reeve said 'Once you choose hope, anything is possible'. I am off to the hairdresser. Enjoy the holidays. Mazeltov

  2. It's the same. I'm trying not to think about it by watching endless episodes of The Office on my big samsung! The first afternoon of the hols! Off to Lille on Thursday for a couple of days then up to the even darker North.
