Wednesday 9 December 2009

Dr Zoukas

Another day, another consultant. This time, due to my champagne socialist approach to my healthcare, a private one. Only difference was that my appointment was at 3.15 and I was collected at 3.15 from the waiting room, as opposed to spending 3.15 hours collecting my thoughts in the waiting room.

So, now the joy of a spinal tap awaits. Amanda tried to help by cheerfully comparing it to an epidural. I can tell she's been private before! All I got at St John's was a stick to bite on.

At least he didn't keep going on about all the abnormalities in my brain like the last guy. And I think I passed all the walking-in-straight-line-tests, and even the rather alarming one where I thought he was trying to arm wrestle me.

I am OK with it. Not putting a brave face on it, truly OK with it. Thinking about dad and how he taught me so much; how his death taught me how to live. Zuzu's petals.

1 comment:

  1. Ain't nowt wrong with private medicine. The great thing in the UK is that you can switch from one to the other. Don't know how much longer that will last. I had a spinal tap once - not the most pleasant of experiences. I remember almost crushing the nurses's hand and being in tears - then travelling back on the train and collapsing at Waterloo station with a horrendous headache and dizzy spells. But maybe things have changed since medieval times. "One man's life touches so many others, when he's not there it leaves an awfully big hole" (It's A Wonderful Life).
